
We are continuing our series on the attributes of God. And this week we will look at his holiness from Isaiah 6.1-10. For hearts that are bent toward living the way we want, God’s holiness is a fearful and dreadful thing.

For most people, the holiness of God evokes the idea of an optimal standard. Do your best to live as morally as you can. But when you fall short, there’s grace to cover it, so it’s ok. But is that really what God’s holiness means?

If we understand what the Bible means by holiness, it’s something that overwhelms us. His holiness means that God is separate from us, above us, beyond us…in every way. You can’t trifle with this God. You can’t argue with this God. You can’t complain to this God. You can’t avoid or ignore this God. You really can’t even question this God.

And yet we do all these things naturally. And in his grace, God allows us to do so. But that is not to diminish the height of his holiness. Properly understood, God’s holiness is actually threatening to us. It’s a combination of fascination and fright. It’s the same feeling we have standing in the presence of any person of greatness. But this is far more than some famous athlete of movie star. This is the God who sends people to hell for all eternity. This is the God who judges.

We like a Jesus who is more relatable and accessible than this distant holy picture of God. We’re intimidated by this image. Isaiah had a deep knowledge of the utter holiness of God. And yet, his presence still completely blew him away - far more than he had ever imagined. In fact, he calls down the curses of the covenant upon himself (woe is me!). Isaiah, despite his personal holiness as a prophet of God, senses nothing but his own unholiness in the presence of this God.

You really haven’t seen or experienced the holiness of God until his power and presence melts away all your excuses about him - all your complaining about him. Until all that is seen for the pitiful mess that it really is, you’ve not encountered the true holiness of this God. Until you can stand before his presence and say, “I have no right to question this God! I have no right to complain to a God like this”, you haven’t encountered his holiness.

If God is who he says he is, your life is going to be completely changed forever. The very doorposts and thresholds of the temple shook in his presence. And his presence will shake the very foundations of your life. It will overwhelm all your problems under the wisdom of his holy and perfect plan.

Is your life being moved like that? Or is God merely your buddy and helper to provide the things you think you need or want? The difference is staggering.



